Coming Soon : Career Briefing Organised by Faizal, MPP FKAB

On the coming 28th of November 2011, a Career Briefing would be held in Faculty of Engineering and Build Environment at 5.00 p.m in DK 4. PMUKM with the cooperation of Students Society of Faculty of Engineering and Build Environment (PEMATRA) will be organizing this briefing session. The main objective of this briefing is to improve the image and personality of UKM students with the guidance to choose the right job and to prepare well for the interview. Basically, a career briefing is to inspire fresh look of recently graduating students. This briefing will help them to navigate issues and make career choices which have a positive impact on society.

The briefing would be conducted by a representative from JobAdvisors, En. Mokhtar. JobAdisors is an organization that provides advice and guidance for university students who will be graduating soon so that they get a clear exposure on how to apply for the right job and prepare well for an interview. In this session, they focus on giving the students a clear picture on how to choose the best company from the various choices that we have in the market. Hands on guidance will be provided to click the right link to get a right job from online searching. Therefore, students are required to bring their laptop along for the briefing session. Besides, complete cover letter and resume writing would be short brief interview to prepare a graduate that could tackle the examiner and make an easy way for fresh communication with the company representative in the future.

This briefing is an effort of student representative council of Faculty of Engineering and Build Environment, Mohd Faizal Ahmad as stated in his manifestos which are to support our university’s philosophy by integrating academic culture in FKAB and create industrial link and relationship with other universities in engineering field. It is hoped that all UKM students’ especially the final years grab this opportunity to improve themselves to face the career world after graduating.

Mohd Faizal Bin Ahmad
Student Union Council 3&4 FKAB
Vice President III PMUKM

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